Sunday, March 14, 2010

Crafting with Penny

It finally felt like spring today! The sun was out and the birds were chirping. Crocuses are up and grass is turning green, what a wonderful day.
I began some new projects and reminded myself of some unfinished ones. Penny wanted to craft with me. She would like her own ETSY shop so we thought of something she would like her money to go to. Can you guess what it is? CHICKENS! She has been wanting them for a few years without knowing how to get them. This store will be her door to freedom and maybe a little fun. Thanks to my cousin at mamazakka we now know what to buy . Check it out, super fun stuff. Here is a picture of what she will be making

They are pony tail holders. I think she will be making clips also with the flowers. I am sure she could make anything. My Penny is incredible :)
She was so busy with so many ideas. She drew this card to sell and I bought it for $1.25.


I did not make as many things as she did,
This is what I finished.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The time of year

The time of year has come for major fundraising. I have Math-a-thon, Women's group, High School, Cheerleading and so on. The last few years donations have been kida lame so I am working on super cool stuff to give everyone. In the box there is a teapot with a handmade cozy, scone mix, home-made peach preserves and a box of tea.

I always give my neighbors handmade gifts so this year they will all get a jar of scone mix and home-made peach preserves. I hope they enjoy it.

I had mentioned earlier that this year was a hand made Christmas at my home. My teenager didn't seem to understand the concept. He told me the other day he needed money to buy gifts. I snickered and reminded him about our family pledge. We will see what comes of that.

I finally finished the sweater the took me a week too long. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


There is this little Asian bakery by my home and I visit it once in a while. The name is the Honey Bakery. They have the most scrumptious buns. I think about going there all the time but each bun puts a whole pound on me. They are filled with wonderful stuff like bbq pork, chicken and mushrooms, red beans, ham, I could go on but what is the use. I already had 2 today

Friday, October 23, 2009


I have been working on little things for my shop while the big things are being finished, just to keep it going. Lately it has been sometimes it is hats or tea cozies but lately it has been flowers. They are fun and colorful. I want to see how many different ways I can use these flowers, so maybe tonight I will try a wristband.

Anyway, tonight is Senior night at the high school so I have to go and be presented with a rose from my son. He has grown to be such a wonderful person. Some days are not wonderful and other days are great but that is part of having a teenager.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back to basics

With the economy the way it is, we have decided to do a handmade Christmas. My oldest already picked out a sweater he wants me to knit. I found a cute little fairy house in a catalogue tat would be super easy to make and the baby would love a box to play in. Now to decide on what to give my husband. I have yarn to make him a sweater also but the last sweater I made him he lost. It was last winter and we went out to eat. He left it at the restaurant and when we went back they said they didn't find it. He had that beautiful sweater for 8 years and wore it every winter. My heart sank and you should have seen the look on his face! I guess I can give him a second chance. What do you think?

Phew, that was a load off my back. With Christmas now taken care of, it is now back to the projects at hand. I have 7 days left of this month and I am so sleep deprived it isn't funny! Here is my new favorite item -

I don't want to sell them but I have to. I hope whoever gets them will love them.

Until next time

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Something new

I feel like I am in a rut. Time to take a break and hang with friends. But if I take the much needed break, I will not reach my goal for the month. What to do? Hmmmmmmm. I've got it! I will teach the kids to knit and start a sweat shop in my basement. Perfect! No one has to (except for you).

On to bigger and better things. I have all this free time now to try some new things. Hahaha!

The shawl was finished a few days ago and it is beautiful!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The rain

I rained all day and I wasn't able to take any pictures of my stuff. I finished the shawl and it is beautiful. I will have to post pictures when the rain stops.

When I was little and we lived in New York, my mom would open all the doors and windows when it rained. The smell was wonderful and so was the sound. We had sky lights that amplified the patter of the rain drops. Now, as an adult, when it rains I regress to those times as a child and remember the warm fire and the cool rain.

So, on to my next project. I think I will work on a few small ones to make time for another large something. I would love to knit a skirt or a pair of gouchos in a nice fall or winter color (not saying that the other season colors are not nice). Maybe it will come to me in the night like the Ringmaster from Dumbo.

I need to research this blog stuff some more and see how to add my own banner and stuff like that.

Until tomorrow